Max – 28.2° C
Min – 18.8° C
RH –52%
Rainfall - Nil
Forecast: Partly cloudy sky. Fog/ Misty conditions very likely to prevail in the periphery of the city, while Fog/Misty conditions very likely to prevail in the city during morning hours. Maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 28°C and 18°C respectively.
Prayer timings:
19th JAN. 2025
18th Rajjab Sunday
1446 H
Fajar: 5. 47 am
Zohar: 12. 37 pm
Asar: 4. 28 pm
Magrib: 6. 10 pm
Isha: 7. 21 pm
Sunrise TOMORROW – 6.49
Sunset TODAY – 18.04
MOONSET – 10.22
MOONRISE – 22.47