They came, they looted and they disappeared. All within 90 seconds. Brandishing a small gun, two masked teenagers walk into a bank in Bihar, loot Rs 1.5 lakh, and then calmly walk out. The incident comes a day after a police encounter in capital Patna.
The robbery, which was captured on CCTV, was reported from a branch of Punjab National Bank or PNB in Vaishali district's Hajipur.
One of the robbers, shows CCTV, threatens customers with his gun, while the other collects all the cash, which amounts to a little more than Rs 1.5 lakh.
A video from the crime scene shows customers huddled together, some sitting on mini plastic chairs in the tiny office, as the men go about looting the bank.
"Two criminals, aged 17 and 18, entered the bank with weapons. They decamped with Rs 1.5 lakh. Photographs of criminals have been sent to all groups so that people can identify the culprit and inform the local police station," said Surabhi Suman, a senior police official.
After robbing the bank, the criminals fled from the spot, locking the bank operator and the customers inside, said the police.